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Cuban Scholarship Recipients Meet Minister And Cuban Ambassador


Cuba’s contribution to the strengthening of Saint Lucia’s health sector through the provision of medical scholarships received another shot in the arm when a new cohort of students left the island this week to undertake studies in the Spanish-speaking Caribbean nation.

 We hear more in this Chris Satney report:

SOURCE: Ministry of Education

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  1. Thank you to Cuba for the 100 nurses in 2019/2020 that was an incredible help to St. Lucia. This is a remarkable opportunity Cherish it,we need a lot more good doctors here in St Lucia. Congratulations to you all, Work hard.

  2. Unfortunately the standard of education being offered now, is nothing like it used to be in the past. Things are so bad now. Sad

  3. Congratulations young people. Wishing you God’s guidance and protection, good health and total success. Has me wondering what St. Lucia will look like in the next 20 yrs: the young women move on to higher education whilst the young men move on to Bordelais. Something is drastically wrong …

  4. The Ministry needs to be more transparent. What is the value of the scholarship and what exactly does it cover? The letters given to the Moroccan scholarship recipients are very vague. They are told that it ONLY COVERS TUITION but gives no indication of how much the tuition really is. The scholarship DOES NOT COVER travel to Morocco, accommodation, transportation. So much money is invested in carnival, jazz, contracts, etc. but piecemeal is offered to our students, our future leaders, and we are blinded by the slogans, putting people first, youth economy, etc.


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