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WATCH: Parliament Approves Constitutional Amendment For Deputy Speaker Appointment


The Parliament has approved a Bill to amend the constitution to ensure the post of Deputy Speaker is compulsorily occupied, and any vacancy after that is filled immediately or no later than the following sitting of the House.

More in this Rehani Isidore report:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister


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  1. So what can we change in the constitution next week?
    Shall we outlaw Adventists?
    Shall we ban white people?
    Ban the press from from discussing anything negative?
    Create a one party state?
    Give politicians more power?
    Allow arbitrary arrests?
    Ban East Indians from politics?
    Go ahead SLP keep changing the constitution at your whim and fancy, it suits champagne socialist doctrine and reinforces your contempt of free expression and democracy.

  2. A waste of valuable time and energy..
    Thus that means the Deputy speakers Job remains to Claudius Francis…
    Just asking.. and what is the next order of business? Stop wasting time and create jobs for the people, we need to build the infrastructure of the island.Roads, buildings etc
    Use commonsense more wisley. We need a fair living wage system of $10 per hour based on 40 hrs weekly, we should ask the hotel’s to share the wealth with the workers,so they can have more spending power.. Currently the workers have no spending power To workers of St Lucia needs to enjoy the wealth also.

  3. Another negative for the SLP. These are the same idiots who abolished local government elections after the 1979 elections. What’s next on the agenda?


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