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Pierre Underscores Commitment To Public Safety


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has underscored his commitment to public safety amid a recent spike in deadly gun violence while expressing appreciation for the work of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF).

Last week, Pierre, also responsible for National Security, officially handed over bicycles and new vehicles to the police.

He wrote on Facebook that the gift would enable officers to serve and protect citizens better.

“The continued support for the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force is a testament to my commitment to public safety,” the Castries East MP explained.

In addition, he noted that the gift was a reminder of the importance of supporting the police and providing them with the resources they need to do their job.

“We look forward to seeing the new vehicles in action and the positive impact they will have on our communities,” Pierre said.

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  1. Make him ride the bike for them to make another meme of him. We will see who can ride better piere or guy joseph. lool

  2. Philip, I want to take this chance to applaud you for making a baby step to rescue the security of the people of St. Lucia. As the saying goes, a journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step. It is definitely a huge investment along with the amount of money you mentioned in the budget – $177,000,000.00.
    Now that you have made such a commitment what are your plans to manage the resources and all this investment. The country cannot afford to just give without some form of accountability. How do you manage these vehicles ? Will it be business as usual for the men and women in uniform. The vehicles are used for personal use such as drinking, visiting personal friends and some other personal activities. What are your plans in ensuring the vehicles are put in good use at all times and the availability of the police with tools to conduct their investigation are also attached to the police vehicles. Tools such cameras, computers are attached to each vehicle and a monitoring system attached to the vehicle so at any one time a record of any of the vehicles are reported back to base. Equip the police with just vehicles is just a fraction of the needs – they need to be advanced as well. Each vehicle should be an extension of the police station – the police should have access to everything as if he is at his desk. – just some suggestions.


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