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NWU Announces New Pay Deal For Insurance Workers


The Management of Demerara Mutual Life Assurance Company and representatives of the National Workers Union (NWU) have struck a new industrial deal.

Clerical and technical workers employed with the insurance company will receive a nine percent (9%) pay increase agreed between the Company and the Union.

This increase will be evenly spread over a three (3) year period and will be effective from January1, 2024.

Provisions for upgrading the Meal Allowance and the availability of documents to employees pertaining to Pension Scheme Arrangements will also form part of the industrial framework.

Secretary General of the National Workers Union, Johann Harewood and Branch Shop Steward Sophia Desir are making all arrangements to facility a speedy official signing of the industrial Accord before the Labour Commissioner at the Department of Labour.

The National Workers Union has been representing the workers at Demerara Mutual Life Assurance Company for over ten (10) years.

SOURCE: National Workers Union

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  1. And let’s hope for a $10+ minimum wage..
    St Lucian are taken too much advantage of by being paid with slave wages.

  2. In my opinion that union only represent the interest of the oppressors and the businesses that exploit the workforce with wages as low as 3 to 5 EC dollars an hour. How can you have people working for wages that can’t even pay your bills where is the minimum or livable wage that the government promise ….

  3. May the cries of the employees reach the ear of the Almighty for ⚖️ justice of a deserved ten dollars an hour and not three cents ❗

  4. I personally think everyone apart from the rich and government ministers plus their high officials needs a pays raise right now because the rest buying power is shrinking plus it will eventually trikles right back into the rich mans pocket but at least it will bring in some relief to the rest of us somehow


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