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Pierre: “I Do Not Intend To Outlive My Usefulness!”


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has indicated that he does not intend to outlive his usefulness and become a burden to his ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP), his Castries East Constituency, or the country.

He was addressing his constituency group’s 34th annual general meeting on Saturday.

Pierre urged his audience to keep their eyes on the prize.

“Once you keep your eyes on the prize, whether I am here or not, you are going to be victorious,” the Castries East MP asserted.

Declaring that politics is a “very strange thing,” Pierre explained that everyone has a life span.

“And I do not intend to outlive my usefulness. I do not intend to become a burden to the party or a burden to the constituency, or a burden to the people of Saint Lucia. I know when my expiry time will come,” he stated.

“It must come. It has to come. But when it comes, it will come with grace. When it comes, it will come with dignity. Because I am sure that there are men and women in Castries East who can represent Castries East in a very proficient way and there are men and women in the labour party who can lead the labour party when the time comes,” Pierre said to applause.

In this regard, he declared that because of the confidence in those men and women and the young people of Saint Lucia, he could say that the SLP has a promising future.

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