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Saint Lucia Assisting Saint Vincent & The Grenadines In Mass Shooting Probe


Saint Lucia is assisting Saint Vincent and the Grenadines with a probe into a mass shooting in the Vincentian capital, Kingstown, on July 19 this year.

Five Vincentians died in what Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves described as a ‘shooting spree’ in the Harbour Club area of Eastern Kingstown.

A thirteen-year-old male was among those killed.

According to local media reports, civilian videos showed shooters exiting a vehicle and opening fire on some men at about 8 p.m.

Reporting this week on the progress of the investigation, Acting Assistant Commissioner of Police with responsibility for crime-fighting Trevor Bailey told a news conference that Saint Lucia and Saint Kitts were assisting.

“We have received assistance from our neighbours, our counterparts in Saint Lucia. A team came in from Saint Lucia, and they did forensic examination of that vehicle that was in question,” Bailey disclosed.

He said the team would have left with what they gathered from the vehicle.

Bailey indicated that law enforcers awaited the forensic analysis of the samples.

He said Saint Kitts police were also helping in the mass murder probe by analysing other exhibits.

The senior Vincentian police officer explained that the investigation was ongoing, with investigators obtaining twelve statements.

Bailey also declared that contrary to a ‘rumour’ a cash reward for information was still ‘up for grabs’.

EC$50,000 is being offered.

Bailey urged residents of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to feel free to cooperate with the police and provide information, irrespective of how ‘slight’ it might be.

“No information is too small. We are grateful. We accept every piece of information. We analyse that information, and that piece of information that you may consider minimum, may very well be the piece that is missing,” Bailey said.

Headline photo: Internet stock image.

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  1. you’ll can not even help with st lucia crime but helping another. fix you’ll bed before fixing someone else own

  2. They are helping with forensics. Collecting and most probably our very own forensic lab is doing the analysis 👌 From what was written they are not taking part in the day to day investigations.

  3. SLU is assisting with “forensics”.
    “A team came in from Saint Lucia, and they did forensic examination of that vehicle that was in question,”
    Read to understand people, instead of jumping to conclusions lead by assumption.

  4. To the detractors…the article clearly states Saint Lucia is assisting with forensics…this can only be good for Saint Lucia in that, the Saint Lucian forensic lab and personnel will hone they scientific skills investigating crime and at the same time getting paid for it…the money comes to Saint Lucia rather than go elsewhere. Gaining experience in scientific investigation and solving crime can only be a good thing for Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent…it’s about time science be given more prominence in Saint Lucia… enough of that praying to god to solve your problems…..a practical scientific approach will go a long way to make society better…

  5. C-wiz thank you very much. Judging from the comments is would seem common sense isn’t very common amongst St lucians . Functionally illiterates who are quick to jump to conclusions. It’s amazing the clarity which comes with a positive mindset.

  6. I only read the headline and I began to laugh. This the joke of the year.
    By the way, why Facebook have so much roro? If one has to learn lies to to Facebook.

  7. I am sure that fills them with confidence, can’t solve their own shootings, St Lucia needs to get its own house in order before meddling in someone else’s business


  9. If there wasnt confidence in our forensics experts other countries would not seek their assistance


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