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Teenage Suspect In Custody After Fatal Stabbing In Dennery


A sixteen-year-old suspect is in police custody following Wednesday’s fatal stabbing in Dennery.

Dennery police station officers launched an investigation after learning of the incident at about 8:45 pm.

According to reports, the fatal stabbing occurred at Over the Bridge, Dennery.

A male, who had been attacked with a knife and suffered numerous injuries, was conveyed to the Dennery Hospital for treatment.

The victim, identified as twenty-four-year-old Donal Joseph of Over the Bridge, Dennery, succumbed to his injuries.

The sixteen-year-old suspect in police custody is from the same address.

It is alleged that an issue involving two male siblings led to the fatal stabbing.

Saint Lucia has so far recorded twelve homicides in 2024.


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  1. The demonic forces and the devil is running amok in St. Lucia – not sure if you Lucians are realizing what is happening in your 238 square miles – death and destruction – WAKE UP. To those who are actively involved in obeah, witchcraft and voodoo (for which there are many of you in St. Lucia -both young and old) you better CEASE and DESIST before it is too late for you and all those concerning you.

    Some of you talk about God and praying in one breath (the first ones in church) WHILE at the same time you all are ACTIVELY involved in obeah… I saw a video of a woman caught on camera sprinkling whatever at the next-door shopkeeper door — well you cannot serve TWO MASTERS —- the choice is yours —

    REST ASSURED the FIRE AND BRIMSTONE WILL SOON CONSUME EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU MALVETAAYES/WORKERS OF INIQUITY — fighting for man, for woman, for people husband, for people wife, for job, for promotion, for shop, for food, for politics, for land, for goat, for sheep, for house, for car, for green-fig, for yam, for boat, for fish, siblings fighting siblings, parents fighting parents, etc. etc. etc. and in the final analysis – FOOLS AND WORKERS OF INIQUITY YOU ALL WILL LEAVE IT ALL BEHIND…..

  2. The teen seems to have gone throgh hell, no one knows your pain, no one heard your cry, seems justice has gone astray, an now justice is letting yourself be killed by your attacker.


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